Our Mission
    To offer high quality education and development to the most hard-to-reach young people, realised through the discipline and ethos of boxing.

    Our Vision
    To help as many young people as possible become independent, resilient, happy and successful members of society.

    Our Approach
    The Boxing Academy caters for students who are at risk of exclusion, or who have already been excluded, from mainstream education. It is our experience that these children require more support in education and without this they become disengaged causing a cycle of exclusion, failure and low self-esteem. This cohort often presents as aggressive, violent and anti-social in order to mask their vulnerability and therefore require a higher level of support and a longer-term commitment. Our method is built around creating a secure, consistent and disciplined environment which will enable them to succeed. 

    The evidence around the importance of education during early teenage years is compelling. Statistics published by the Youth Justice Board show that almost nine out of ten of the 15-18 year olds currently held in prisons had been excluded from school, and around 40% had last been at school when they were under 14. The Boxing Academy engages with the most vulnerable and disadvantaged young people like this because we believe that everyone deserves a second chance.

    The Key Principles of the Boxing Academy that guide our actions are:

    Boundaries help children feel safe and learn

    Do not give up, there is always hope

    Deal with issues as they arise

    Discipline and emotional support go hand in hand

    Confrontation offers a chance to grow

    Take responsibility for your actions

    Learn to be successful one step at a time


    Pupils are welcomed into a warm, nurturing and respectful community where they can learn and grow emotionally and socially. Pupils benefit from being in a small group, or pod. The pod leaders, who are all boxing coaches, offer bespoke mentoring to each pupil throughout the day.”

    Ofsted Report, March 2020